
Author Topic: Plea for Batman9561  (Read 3886 times)

Offline Quailfluf

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Plea for Batman9561
« Opened on January 04, 2016, 07:48:37 PM »
My son (Batman9561) got banned for not replanting the crops at community farm. He is extremely sorry and feels awful. I went through rules with him before going there and he understood completely that crops had to be replanted.  Our internet is awful here so sometimes we don't get enough single, or our internet will go down. He was trying to replant the crops but he was lagging awfully. I'm not sure if his game stopped after that or not. But later that day when he told me that he wasn't sure if the plants replanted or not our internet was down. He was freaking out and we couldn't get on the internet to warn any staff that an accident may have happened. But he tried to get on later today and saw he was banned. He says he is very sorry and didn't mean for the plants to not be replanted. He also said he will be more careful  to not go to the community farm if our connection is bad. Again major apologies from both of us.
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Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea for Batman9561
« Reply #1 on January 07, 2016, 07:25:15 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to post a plea. This was a 3 day temp ban and it has expired. Batman can rejoin the server whenever he is ready. He left a great deal of the farm unplanted in various rows. Thank you for helping him understand that replanting is one way players share with one another. The public farms are for all players to use, not replanting means there is nothing for the next player who needs to use the farm.

 We will look forward to seeing him back on the server.