I am sure by now you likely know the reason for your ban. If not, just ask Smurf.
Smurf has made no effort to control his language on this server. This server is very strictly family friendly. We have players of all ages here and language like his really won't be tolerated. Smurf has been warned repeatedly about his language here - we are done.
We absolutely can not babysit individuals full time and constantly remind them to watch their language. If it is second nature to someone to type like that in public chat situations, then this server simply isn't the server for them.
Unfortunately, once someone has proven that they can not and will not keep their chat or gameplay within the rules they are permbanned. The permban includes the banning of other household members or players who have logged in from the banned player's location. Sadly, in this case you and one other player were banned in addition to Smurf.

I do wish you all the best of luck in finding another server that better suits your needs. Good luck and farewell.