
Author Topic: My son was banned and would like to apologize.  (Read 4212 times)

Offline tcbjr1805

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My son was banned and would like to apologize.
« Opened on January 31, 2016, 10:23:09 AM »
Dear Staff of Famcraft,

My son and I started playing minecraft a few weeks ago.  (tcbjr1805 and peytonb703).  My son was recently banned.  He and I have spoken, and gone over the rules in great detail.  I appreciate the opportunity to teach him about being part of a community.  While him being banned was not ideal, it did create a teaching opportunity.

Below I will give him the opportunity to apologize in his own words:

I know I broke the rules by going in other peoples houses and breaking stuff. I am sorry.  I will do better.  I will not go into other peoples houses, break stuff, or steal stuff, or open other peoples chest.  I will do better.  Please give me one more chance.  I know if I break the rules again I will be banned for good.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: My son was banned and would like to apologize.
« Reply #1 on January 31, 2016, 11:56:33 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to post a plea.

 Here on Famcraft, the rules are VERY important. The rules are what allows us to provide everyone with a safe and happy place to play.

 This is strictly a survival server. No one has creative and the staff team does not spawn blocks or items for players. This means everything players have, they've earned. Also, many players only get to play a short time each week. So when they spend their limited time building something, it really matters to them. Even if a player has plenty of time to build and play, they trust that their fellow Famcrafter's will be respectful of their properties. It can be very disheartening to log in and find that another player has wrecked your house and/or stolen your things.

 Peyton did a good bit of damage. He was temp-banned for 4 days for his actions.

 I appreciate the plea you have posted for him. I do want to make sure he knows why the no griefing rule matters. Once he has see this and does understand please reply here and we will get him back on the server.

 Thank you. -RubensCherub

Offline tcbjr1805

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Re: My son was banned and would like to apologize.
« Reply #2 on February 01, 2016, 06:45:11 AM »
Thank you for your response.  I was not aware of the extent of the damage.

I had Peyton read your response to me this morning and we discussed further about the rules so that he fully understands.

Peyton would like to know how he can make it up to the player?  Can he donate materials, or help rebuild?

Thank you for your consideration.

Terrell & Peyton

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: My son was banned and would like to apologize.
« Reply #3 on February 01, 2016, 06:01:28 PM »
 Thank you. Peyton has been unbanned and we will be looking forward to seeing him back on the server. The damage he did has already been repaired. As long as he follows the rules from now on, all is well. Thanks! See you on the server!