
Author Topic: Plea for ban overturn  (Read 3894 times)

Offline Stargazer08

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Plea for ban overturn
« Opened on January 24, 2016, 08:54:45 AM »
I come to find out my daughter's been involved in some PVP knuckleheaded-ness. I wonder if you guys might provide me a rundown on what happened. I witnessed some of the instance, and have instructed her accordingly on the rules of PVP (again...she's 8 and has been really excited making new friends). I missed what was going on when she got a 24hr ban for similar circumstances. This has been her 1st experience with multiplayer, and I'm hoping you might have some kind of three strike rule in place. I have explained this is the ONLY time I will compose one of these. She has grasped the consequences of her actions, and is sincerely apologetic. Regardless of what you all decide, I thank and congratulate you on running a terrific operation.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea for ban overturn
« Reply #1 on January 24, 2016, 12:35:16 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to inquire about yout child's ban. Ideally, we need pleas to include the name of the banned player. After a bit of research I have determined this might be Pepper.

 No, we do not have any "three-strikes" rule. We have a "please follow the rules at all times" rule, lol. Also, honesty goes a very long way here.

 Pepper doesn't seem to follow the pvp rules. She was banned for 24 hours recently for non-stop pvp that was not within the rules.

 Then, yesterday she spammed in chat

Player tpa to me

Player tpa to me

Player tpa to me

Player tpa to me

Player tpa to me

 When the player she was asking for did not tpa to her. (tpa = teleport) She then sent a /tpa request (request to teleport to the player's location.) When the other player accepted the request, Pepper directly to her and killed her without warning. On this server all pvp must be agreed to. You can't just hunt down other players and kill them like that.

 A staff member asked if the pvp was unwanted. Had Pepper been honest, she would have been warned. Instead she said "No, we agreed, right?" As in agreed to fight. As every conversation here is logged and recorded, we know there was no agreement made to fight. Once the logs were reviewed to be sure of the situation, Pepper was banned.

 We keep this server safe, fun and family friendly by making sure the rules are followed.

 Here is some info about pvp as explained in another ban plea recently:

On Famcraft, we have some very strict pvp rules. They are as follows:

 Pvp IS allowed on Famcraft , but ONLY if all players involved in the Pvp have agreed to fight, and have agreed to the terms of the fight. Then they may toggle their pvp on and off with /pvp.

 A player who has pvp off/disabled can not be attacked. A player who has their pvp on/enabled CAN be attacked , but even so ALL rules must be followed. So even if a player is attackable, they must have agreed to the terms of the fight before anyone is allowed to pvp with them.

 When we say the "terms" of a fight, we mean any details that might matter to the players involved. This includes things such as what type of armor should the participants wear, if any, what types of weapons should be used by each party, and most importantly- who gets the inventory of the losing player when one of them is killed during pvp. Does the inventory go to the winner? Or should all items be returned to their original owner? These things need to be decided before a pvp match, and whatever is agreed upon should be followed through with once the match has ended.

 If you discuss all of this with Pepper and she understands the importance of these rules along with the value of being honest on this server then please allow her to post a plea and we will see about reducing her perm ban.

 Thank you.

Offline Stargazer08

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Re: Plea for ban overturn
« Reply #2 on January 24, 2016, 03:36:48 PM »
I see... Didn't realize the scope of the infraction. It is in fact, Pepper (my apologies). What she did sums up why i don't play many online multiplayer games anymore. I am ashamed of her behavior, but also know she is a better person than that. I'll allow her to plead her case, and of course she  will abide to any ruling you make. know that Mom and I are pretty steamed (especially about the lie). She is all set to lose Minecraft for a few days in our own ban. She'll lose it  all together should this kind of thing continue. I'll have her put it in another post.