
Author Topic: Plea to be Unbanned Please!  (Read 3881 times)

Offline Blowe12399

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Plea to be Unbanned Please!
« Opened on February 09, 2016, 06:43:31 PM »
please I  learned my lesson Sorry please I want to play again I'm really sorry Please Any Please Read

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea to be Unbanned Please!
« Reply #1 on February 10, 2016, 07:07:13 PM (Edited February 12, 2016, 12:02:05 AM) »
Blowe- I will unban you this one time. The next time staff asks you to do something or not do something, you need to listen. We do not allow discussion of banned players. We told you this several times, yet you continued. When we ask you to do something, it is for a reason.

 Often, players are embarrassed that they have been banned. The ban is punishment enough without them having to feel embarrassed about it too. Publicly discussing someone's ban when they are not even around is not a very nice thing to do, regardless of your reason.
 Additionally, when a player is banned, it is no one else's business why they were banned. A ban is time for THAT player to reflect on their own actions and decide how to act differently in the future. It is not an opportunity for other players to form opinions about their ban or to discuss it openly in chat. Please keep this in mind for future situations.

 Additionally, coming to irc, directly mailing staff or posted redundant pleas is NOT the way to speed the plea process along. Pleas are our last priority as we do have players who are following the rules that require attention. Pleas are dealt with as we are able and have the spare time to review them.

 You are unbanned.