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Word Problems

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Drew was the one who moved the house, while IronCreeper ate the sub-sandwich, which explains why the sandwich was there. The initials DMM stands for DrewsMagicMonkey (AKA, Drew). While Drew was moving the house, the wind must have blown his hat off, and IronCreeper must have left the sandwich.

  As I walked to the grocery store with my fairly large backpack and snacks, an interesting looking alley lured me away. So, of course, I walked in. When I looked behind me, a wall had blocked my exit, where I came from. I continued along the pathway. It slowly got dark outside, so I sat against a wall and decided to rest for the night. When I awoke, there was a message beside me, replacing my doughnuts, signed by someone with the initials IB. Naturally, I wondered who had the initials 'IB', but couldn't remember.
  I picked up my backpack and continued down the path. I discovered a hat with a blue ribbon on it. "Isn't this Drew's?" I asked myself, "Wait, no, Drew's hat has a red ribbon on it. Who do I know that has a hat with a blue ribbon? This hat feels familiar." I put the hat in my backpack and continued along. I saw my bag of treats in the middle of the path, opened and half-eaten, everything was gone except for the sweets. Who do I know who hates sweets, has the initials IB, and has a hat with a blue ribbon on it?

well, I have to assume it's me :P but are you sure that hates sweets thing is right?...

Carl brought his extra Halloween candy to school. he shared the candy with his friends and had 12 snickers bars, 2 reeces peanut butter cups,  two cherry twizzlers, and a bag of skittles when he left school.  if he had 68 pieces of candy when he arrived at school, how many pieces of each type of candy did he have when he arrived if the ratios stayed the same?


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