Many of you have likely been to my shop in the green section (second right) of the main mall. I set up a dye shop upstairs a few months ago. It sells all colors of wool, stained clay, stained glass, and dyes in addition to hard clay and glass. And I've added various things as I'm able to get more supply of them. Now, however, I've made another big change. I've added an enchant shop downstairs. Don't worry! Everything that was there is still there, but the entire left side of the downstairs of my shop is now taken up by my enchant shop. Here is the list of all the different enchants I sell so far: Looting 3, Thorns 3, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Infinity, Power 4, Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 3, Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Fortune 3, Silk Touch, Blast Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Aqua Affinity, Respiration 3, Luck of the Sea 3, and Lure 3 with 6 more enchants yet to be decided. All enchanted books are sold at $750/book and bought at $700/book. Here is a screenshot of the new enchant shop and the surrounding area. Make sure you visit soon!