
Author Topic: IRC ban  (Read 3635 times)

Offline AlicornsAreMagic

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IRC ban
« Opened on March 28, 2016, 07:28:23 PM »
It's been a while, Admins! It's Doggiecarrier123 here!
I couldn't get on Famcraft because of the new 1.9 update, as it doesn't support the client. So I decided: "hey, why not say hi on the IRC?" So when I logged on, I forgot I was banned. I took it in for a couple minutes, and remembered that either December 2015 or Jan. 2016 I remembered I posted a ban plea, because I had looked at it a few hours earlier. I remembered I said something about cancer, then I got Kicked off the IRC and banned. I apologized for the inappropriate words I've said, but I noticed that I haven't apologized for the IRC ban and the Chat peace disruption. I'm almost 12 now, taken myself some warnings from other servers, and taken those lessons and tell you (guys) that I am really sorry for saying that type of stuff on IRC. I am also sorry for using the IRC while on the server. I will not beg you (guys) to let me be on, but if you do decide that the IRC isn't right for me, I accept it.  Well... I tend to go... A little crazy (well a lot) when I experience something new (ex. I went too crazy at the store last Thurs. near Easter) and when I get excited, I tend to say things that either don't make sense or I don't realize what I've said. I have used my will power and faculty to play as intended too. I know that with RubensCherub we've been a little shaky and I've like to apologize for that as well. I'm in that state where I get emotional and sometimes that gets let out by accident. I am sorry for the ways I've been acting up and arguing.

[Global] AlicornsAreMagic: dont throw tacos on me

AlicornsAreMagic was slain by Taco Invasion

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: IRC ban
« Reply #1 on March 28, 2016, 07:47:50 PM »
 Thank you for your mature and thoughtful plea. I do believe it is honest and sincere. It sounds like you've learned a lot, including how to make sure you exercise self-control when you need to.
 It would be very nice to see you back on irc. I have complete confidence you will do just fine there. We will look forward to getting to see you on irc soon. Your ban has been removed.