
Author Topic: griefed iron farm  (Read 7008 times)

Offline StefanConquero

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griefed iron farm
« Opened on December 13, 2015, 09:42:21 AM »
I wanted to follow up on a report I made to Cougar, about someone removing doors from our iron farm (33269/68/-548516), turning the lava blade to obsidian, and what looks like removing a glass block to kill villagers in one of the pods. Then it looks like they came back later and replaced the doors. I'm repairing the damage, but I was wondering:

1. Cougar said the villagers just died on their own, I wanted to confirm that. I thought they never despawned.

2. I thought our ps field was set up so that anyone would walk through, but not remove blocks. So either I set it up incorrectly, or a clan member did the damage. If the former, could you let me know how I should reset it? If the latter, I'm not sure what to do.


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: griefed iron farm
« Reply #1 on December 13, 2015, 12:14:07 PM (Edited December 13, 2015, 12:19:30 PM) »
 Thank you. I had visited the location and replaced the doors. I did not notice the other damage. I will work on repairing the rest of it.

 This was not  a grief.

 You had requested a structure relocation that would line up orange wool with orange wool. When pasted into place aligned with the orange wool as requested WE also removed an entire wall. I undid the paste and rotated/moved the structure to make your structure fit the space better.

 As undo usually reverses any damage caused in situations like that, I was not concerned.
  If there was water and lava on the other side of the wall, the wall being briefly removed must have allowed the two to mix creating the obsidian. This is likely when any villagers died as well.

 I will get this taken care of for you and I apologize for not noticing this had happened. Thank you for your patience.

EDIT: After visiting the area, it looks as if you have already restored the water. Additionally, I am unsure of where the villagers are supposed to be. I will watch for you to be in game. Thank you.

Offline StefanConquero

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Re: griefed iron farm
« Reply #2 on December 13, 2015, 03:55:11 PM »
Thanks again for taking care of this!
