
Author Topic: Parental unban plea for daughter  (Read 4187 times)

Offline Cad3nce

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Parental unban plea for daughter
« Opened on April 15, 2016, 09:44:51 PM »
Hiya.  The daddy of one just-turned-eight-year-old "Cad3nce" here.
Took a lot of question asking but I *think* I figured out what my daughter was banned for.  She's played Minecraft PE edition single-player for a couple months now and we just setup the PC version.  So, she's pretty green still.

Anywho, after our question and answer session I *think* she was:
a) Using multiple "!" exclamation marks at the end of some sentences
b) Using multiple "o"s in the word "no" to express, well, you know, "Nooooo" or something similar.

She's just learning so if it was something else please advise and we'll have a daddy-daughter talk about it.
I did explain about the letter-repeating rule and now that she understands it, will abide it.

So, this is her first multiplayer Minecraft experience and my official plea for her unbanishment and re-instatement into the Famcraft fold proper.  Pretty please with a Diamond Block on top?

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Parental unban plea for daughter
« Reply #1 on April 15, 2016, 11:06:48 PM (Edited April 15, 2016, 11:17:17 PM) »
 Hi Dad,

 Today Cad3nce lost a horse. It apparently wandered into a Nether portal and disappeared. This is just a part of game play and not something we can do anything about.

 She complained about it a good bit, and got quite capsy with it.

17:58] <+Famcraft18> (09Cad3nce) MY HORSE IS DEAD!:(

 I did asked her to calm down with the caps, (caps/spam have been a bit of an issue) and only moments later she said:

[18:00] <+Famcraft18> (09Cad3nce) U DONT SAY HE HE HE WHEN HORSE DIES OK

 The player this was directed towards was corrected, as well.

 We like to keep minimal drama in chat, and also we prefer players not use a lot of spam and caps in chat. It's very disruptive to peaceful environment we strive to keep going here.

 If you will speak with Cad3nce and let her know losing things, including animals, is part of playing survival Minecraft, it would be great. Please help her understand that using all caps or lots of spam when she is upset will not help improve the situation. Once you are able to reply here letting me know she understands these things we can get her right back in game.

 There are many more horses on the map just waiting to be found by a new owner. I have no doubt she can find another with a little exploring. We'll look forward to seeing her back in game soon.

Offline Cad3nce

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Re: Parental unban plea for daughter
« Reply #2 on April 16, 2016, 04:29:11 PM »
Ah, ok.  She did mention her horse wandering into a portal, but didn't know she had the caps-lock on. The caps-lock made it sound like she was being more dramatic about it than she really is (she is, thankfully, less dramatic about things in general than many her age; her teenage sister on the other hand lol...).

So I've explained the caps-lock issue to her, and also that it's not her job, but rather the moderaters, to admonish other players if they say something aggregiously unpleasant to her or harrass her or something (which I expect / hope to be rarely).

She seems to understand the above and looks forward to getting back in.
This fall with the addition of a second computer and VR headset, I'll be joining her from time to time, in VR  []-)

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Re: Parental unban plea for daughter
« Reply #3 on April 17, 2016, 01:28:57 AM »
 Great! It sounds like everything has been sorted out nicely. Thanks! Cad3nce's ban has been lifted and we will look forward to seeing her back on the server.  8)

Offline Cad3nce

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Re: Parental unban plea for daughter
« Reply #4 on April 17, 2016, 05:11:25 PM »
Thank you.