
Author Topic: Pleas from Ryan880  (Read 3906 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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Pleas from Ryan880
« Opened on April 21, 2016, 03:59:42 PM »

Sent via forum message: (Please post all pleas in the plea section , we do not accept private messages for pleas)

Dear Ruben,

   As you know on most servers the rules aren't always enforced this way I didn't know this would happen. I would love to be unbanned please I realized that I should not have stolen what I stole. I am very very very sorry for doing this. If you don't unban me I understand. Thanks for making a great server and keeping it nice and fair.

                                                                                                                                                                                             My apologize

Dear Ruben,

                I understand that I broken a major rule, no griefing. I am very sorry for what i have done. If you don't unban me i understand. Thank you for keeping the server as fair as possible. you run a great server and i know you will always keep it that way. thank you for taking the time to read this message. If it helps my minecraft username is Ryan880.

                                                                                                            Thank You,

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Pleas from Ryan880
« Reply #1 on April 21, 2016, 04:02:55 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to plea.

 The thing is, I do not want you to behave simply out of fear of getting in trouble. That's not what this community is about.
 I want you to follow the rules out of respect for your fellow players. Everyone works hard to earn their materials and build their homes, just like you do. It's important to treat other players and their areas with kindness and respect.

 This server is very strict, and we know that. We feel like the strict rules are really worth it for the players who want a nice, friendly place to play the game.

 Your plea is polite and well thought out. I do feel you are capable of following the rules here and being a valuable part of the Famcraft community. I look forward to seeing you on the server with a fresh start. Your ban has been lifted. Welcome back.