
Author Topic: Luke880  (Read 2933 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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« Opened on April 28, 2016, 06:10:43 PM (Edited April 28, 2016, 07:29:48 PM) »
 Luke.. Pretending to be your parent and blaming other people for your actions are two of the worst possible things you can do here.

 This is you, not a parent:

sorry me child hacked !    he loves talking to me about this server  :D
his friend ryan880 told him to  X-ray:'(    sorry for the X-ray    !    to: famcraft.com

:) my son is sad that he was banned . i know you banned him for breaking the rules on famcraft  :( but i was wondering if he can have 1 more chance ty if you let him!    i deleted his X-ray hack off his minecraft and set a lock on it  ;D   he is super sad but
ty for a safe server for minecraft! and btw this is the only server he can play on minecraft  :'( ty for reading it

idk how to plea so i just messaged you!

 This sort of behavior does not impress us very much here at Famcraft. A sincere admission of what you have done, and explaining why we can trust you not to do this again would be the best place to start.