
Author Topic: Plea to be unbanned  (Read 3973 times)

Offline knowwhatimean

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Plea to be unbanned
« Opened on May 28, 2016, 01:20:21 PM »
Hi, this is Kanakin9.  I was permanently (I think) banned for taking a nether star and a pork chop out of a chest in the jungle.  I am sorry for my attitude about putting the nether star back.  I realize that my attitude had as much to do with my banning as did my actions. 

I found a couple of chests in different stargates all with a nether star and a porkchop and when I moused over them, they all said "For you".  My brother also found 2 of them, one in the mesa biome, and one in the plains biome.  I don't know why they said "For you", and they were in a random place nowhere near houses or structures.

Next time, I will have a better attitude when someone says to put it back.  I will be sure to ask when I come across something like that again, so I don't take someone's things. 

Please un-ban me so I can prove that I can respect people and their things.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plea to be unbanned
« Reply #1 on June 02, 2016, 01:03:25 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to post a plea.

 It is very important that you were not banned just for removing the items from the chest. The real issue was that when staff asked you nicely to return the items, you had a not-so-nice attitude, repeating "That's my problem, not your's."

 If you had simply replaced the items instead of being disrespectful to the staff member who was trying to help resolve the issue, you would not have been banned. The staff is here to help make sure rules are followed. They are also here to help you when you need help. At that time, the staff member was trying to help make sure you did not end up banned for taking something that did not belong to you.

 Famcraft is very strictly a no griefing server. We do not ever tolerate griefing or stealing. It's very important to always remember to be respectful of other players and their property.

 I will lift your ban. Please make absolutely sure you read the rules at /spawn when you return.

 Here is a little more information about what we do consider griefing:

Here is some information about what we consider to be griefing:

* Removing any block another player placed without that player's permission

*Placing a protection stone in another player's area

*Harvesting another player's crops without their permission

*Killing another player's animals without their permission

*Claiming/protecting another players pet without permission (Example: taming a wolf, protecting a horse)

*Removing/changing landscape features in another players "yard" (What is directly visible from their home)

*Placing blocks in another player's area without permission

 *Taking items from another player's chest without permission (Stealing/griefing)

*Keeping a players items after PvP if you did not agree to at first (Stealing)

*Not replanting at public/shared/clan farms

*Leaving any locked item such as a chest, furnace or pet in another player's space or a public location