
Author Topic: Plea to be unbanned (sorry used wrong name previously)  (Read 3873 times)

Offline ninjastar

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I am ninjastar's Mom and his brother and him tried to post a plea for him to be unbanned a few days ago but said they had no response and ninjastar is still banned so he has asked me for some help. He's 8 years old so he needs some help sometimes.

He believes that he has been banned for leaving dogs in the mall -- his brother and he both have this issue. If this is not the reason for his ban, please let us know.

I will get him to write out an apology or plea himself once we receive confirmation on the reason. I was just going to leave him banned as I figured it was a 3 day ban but it's been a few days more than that.


Ninjastar's Mom

Offline RubensCherub

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 Thank you for taking the time to inquire about your child's ban.

 Ninja_Star's ban expires in 2 days and 14 hours. He will be able to join again after that time has passed.
  He was banned for a full week. The ban was longer because we really feel we have had entirely too many issues with them leaving dogs in public places.
 It's as easy for them to remedy as simply not taking the dogs into public places. We have signs around reminding players, we remind them in game chat, and send reminders by mail. We really, really need them to stop taking their dogs to public locations on the server if they can not take them back home afterwards.