
Author Topic: 3 Years A Ban.  (Read 4311 times)

Offline TheJoemiester227

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3 Years A Ban.
« Opened on June 21, 2016, 08:55:07 PM »
I haven't been on this website nor this server for 3 years now, so I forgot how to formally create a plea to be unbanned. I forgot the original reason I was banned, but I'm sure it had to do with my loud childish mouth and behavior... But now I have recently got back into playing Minecraft and this is the only server I will play on, because it is really my favorite. I am reaching out to apologize for what grief I have caused to the community way back when, and all I'm asking for is the opportunity to hop back on this server. After 3 years, I really hope you guys are able to forgive me and I appreciate whatever the circumstances end up being.Thanks.


Offline RubensCherub

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Re: 3 Years A Ban.
« Reply #1 on June 23, 2016, 02:59:04 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to plea.

 We have reviewed your plea and the circumstances of your ban.

 I will be honest, we normally would not unban someone who was banned for what you said in chat, and how you behaved on this server. It was absolutely unacceptable Your ban was made permanent as a result of the attitude and language you used here.  :(

 However... Three years is a long time. Your plea is both mature and polite. It seems well thought out and sincere. I think if your plea is a reflection of the current Joemiester then you would make a very nice addition to the Famcraft community.

 Because it has been so long since you've been here, it is important that you read the rules at /spawn.The rules here are serious stuff. We are pretty strict in order to keep the community nice.
  It would also be great if you would take a tour or visit /warp tour, as well. The tour will remind you of all the plugins and commands we use here.
 You will start out on a new map, but no worries- all your stuff should be safe and sound on the original map, which is linked from the main map and has shared chat. We can explain how to find your things when you arrive.

 Welcome back. We will look forward to seeing you on the server.