
Author Topic: Unban Plea  (Read 4238 times)

Offline Zombiefeaster

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Unban Plea
« Opened on February 11, 2017, 07:37:56 AM »

So around august 2014 (A long time ago) I was banned from Famcraft for breaking the rules. I have since read over the rules a few times, and was wondering if I could be unbanned. It has obviously been a few years since playing so I've definitely matured over that time. I understand if you do not want to unban me, I was just hoping for a second chance after almost 3 Years. Thank you for your time.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unban Plea
« Reply #1 on February 18, 2017, 07:36:33 PM »
 I have reviewed your old punishment history. I can see there were some issues at that time. 

 Your plea is polite and seems well thought out. We would love to give you another chance to be a part of the community. I will unban your account now and we will look forward to seeing you back in game.

 Please review the rules at /spawn and consider taking a tour with a staff member or visit /warp tour to learn how to set homes, earn money and protect land. Thanks!