So a friend and I were debating some philosophical questions, and this one popped into my mind: What does donating mean to you.
I tweaked it a little so everyone could answer it, so it now looks like this: Donors: what does your donation mean to you? and Non-donors: What does donating mean to you?
Let me give some background. When I joined Famcraft in 2014, I was immature. Since then, Famcraft and real life things have changed me, and through that I have matured. I realized that I feel like my donor rank did influence that (I know that donor rank only adds a few perks and doesn't have very much effect on actual gameplay, but I was wondering). I like helping people, and, as a donor, I feel like it's my responsibility to help others on Famcraft. This is just my view on what my donation means to me, but I'm interesting in seeing how other players view the donor rank.