
Author Topic: Unban plea WildTimberCalf  (Read 4343 times)

Offline WildTimberCalf

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Unban plea WildTimberCalf
« Opened on March 07, 2017, 04:41:16 PM »
Unban Plea, 03/07/17

Dear Staff,
I am very sorry for disobeying your rules. I was permanently banned for using your mumble for different servers, and I now realize that was wrong, and have a mumble server I can now use for different servers. I would love to be unbanned from Famcraft because I loved the server and very much regret throwing away my opportunity. If I were to be unbanned, I am confident I would be able to follow the rules better and be more mature. I feel that you had every right for banning me from Famcraft for using mumble, but I would love to come back and have a second chance. I hope you accept my apology. I am sorry.
                                                                                                                                                                  Your friend,

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Unban plea WildTimberCalf
« Reply #1 on March 07, 2017, 11:41:05 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to post a plea. We take the rules very seriously here on Famcraft- including the no advertising rule. Playing on another server while discussing other servers while talking the Mumble server we provide for Famcrafters is very much not okay here.
 We are going to pardon your ban because you had been a good player up until this point. Please do not let anything like this happen again. If there is a  next time, it will be a perm ban with no plea option. 

 We will look forward to seeing you back on the server.