
Author Topic: (Parent) Unban Plea for child  (Read 4483 times)

Offline ACBarney

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(Parent) Unban Plea for child
« Opened on February 22, 2017, 08:42:37 PM »
I am fairly new to this minecraft stuff but have done a tutorial Tour with some members in this world. I was not watching entirely what had happened to get banned. At this point all I am aware of is that my two children were playing under accounts I made (sargentbarney and punisherathena) and I called them to dinner. When they returned the sargentbarney account had a banned screen on it. Could you elaborate to me what happened? If they have broken rules I understand them being banned but I am not sure exactly what they had done.
I would like them to learn from this since being banned has made them realize there are truly consequences(one stating I followed the rules and the other worried they didn't but are sweating bullets wondering what happened) . I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time.

Offline ACBarney

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Re: (Parent) Unban Plea for child
« Reply #1 on March 12, 2017, 12:21:21 PM »
I am still waiting for a reply on this forum. Could someone please follow up with me at their earliest convenience please.

Thank you

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: (Parent) Unban Plea for child
« Reply #2 on March 12, 2017, 03:58:08 PM »
 Barney has been banned twice for not replanting at the public farm. Athena has been banned 3 times for the same thing. They absolutely will not replant.

  They go to the public farm which is intended for use by all players, harvest as much as they can, then leave the farm an unplanted mess.
 They've been repeatedly reminded by staff to replant. There are signs everywhere asking them to remember to replant. They have to walk through signs when they exit the farm, which remind them to replant. We've done everything but beg them to replant.

 This is a very, very simple rule. Replanting is a normal part of gameplay.

 When they do not replant, the next player who goes to the farm has no food they can harvest. Then that player has to take their own time to report the issue to staff, and then go try to find food elsewhere.
 At that point, staff has to stop what they are doing and go to the farm to inspect and see who did not bother to replant.
 Then staff takes their own time to replant the farm so the other players will have food. After that, the staff visits the staff section of the forum and writes a report so we have a record of player behavior.

 So each time Athena and Barney load up their inventory with food and leave the farm unplanted, it takes away play-time from other players and staff who do follow the rules. I am sure you can understand why we do not like to see this happen over and over again.

 Once can be seen as a mistake, and twice can be seen as habit. By the third time they wreck the farm and leave it that way, it really feels like a disregard for the rules.

 If you want to talk with them about why it matters to be responsible in games like this, and how their actions effect other real people and then help them write a plea or at least let us know they understand then we can see about getting them back on the server.