
Author Topic: Just started, tips please.  (Read 4222 times)

Offline Claerity

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Just started, tips please.
« Opened on June 06, 2017, 12:24:36 PM »
As I said, I would love it if I could have some tips, aka commands and such that are not generally on servers, for this is definitely not my first server. I also would love some ign help when I am on later!

Offline Stitch 🔷 Jordyn

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Re: Just started, tips please.
« Reply #1 on June 06, 2017, 12:38:40 PM (Edited June 06, 2017, 01:19:31 PM) »
Hello, welcome to Famcraft! :) in game, you can type '/rulebooks tour guide' to receive a book that explains a lot of the more common commands, and '/warp tour' will go into more detail about some of them! and if you're stuck with something, feel free to ask in chat! staff or our helpful players would be more than happy to assist you!

But to start you off...
'/bal' to check your money, '/pay [player] [amount]' to send someone money
'/jobs' to browse, join, or leave jobs, or to check your job experience
'/warp', '/warp 2', '/warp 3' lists all available warps on the server - many of them such as '/warp lwc' 'ps' or 'clans' have helpful information about various plugins!
'/tpa [player]' to request to teleport to another player for $100, then they must type '/tpaccept' to allow it
'/ps' and '/lwc' to see commands for our protection plugins Precious Stones and LWC
'/home [name]' to return to a home you've set, '/sethome [name]' to set one - you can set up to 5, plus sleeping in a bed enables '/home bed' - and '/delhome [name]' to remove a home you no longer need (be careful not to delete something important!
'/pvp' to enable or disable player-versus-player combat

Feel free to visit this thread as well for a more complete list! https://famcraft.com/index.php/topic,8288.0.html That should cover the basics; hope this helps! :D

>>> Ahh! I just realized, you may not have received a tour yet! Feel free to ask a staff member for one once you're able to login! They'll show you all around the server and go over some of these commands as well!
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Hello! I'm Stitch! A blue alien koala who sometimes plays as a gray African Wild Dog named Layden!

Offline AgentRockStar

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Re: Just started, tips please.
« Reply #2 on June 06, 2017, 11:04:57 PM »
/kit allowance gets you 1000 Falcons/day and /kit tools gets some basic tools and food - good for when you fall in lava!
/back to get your stuff if you die!
/warp farm to get to a farm where you can harvest food and animals.
Good luck, Agents Mum and RockStar