
Author Topic: Salsaburrito banned  (Read 4207 times)

Offline salsaburrito

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Salsaburrito banned
« Opened on June 14, 2017, 12:22:29 PM »
Hi I am writing today because my daughter attempted to login and it says she was banned until 6/16/17. I want see if you could let me know why she was banned so I can make sure she understands what she did wrong so it does not happen again. Thank you so much have a great day.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Salsaburrito banned
« Reply #1 on June 14, 2017, 12:45:40 PM »
 Hi! thanks for posting a plea.

 Here on Famcraft we have a vast free-to-use public farm. This farm is intended for all the players to use. It is brightly lit and protected from mobs making it a safe place to gather crops and food around the clock.
 Many players rely on this farm for food. In relying on the farm they also depend on all players to behave responsibly and replant any crops they harvest.
 There is a rule about replanting posted at /spawn. We also often explain replanting in the tour each player is offered upon joining. Additionally, there are signs posted everywhere around the farm reminding players that they must replant what they take.

 If a player fails to replant, there is no food for the next player. It also means a staff member uses their own time to go replant the farm for the player who did not bother to replant. The staff team already stays very busy as it is.

 Replanting is easy, only takes a few minutes and each player always receives extra seeds when they harvest crops. There is never a good reason not to replant. There are usually enough seeds to replant and still have plenty to take home and use to start a private farm of their own.

 Salsa harvested as much as they could carry away, and did not replant anything at all, leaving the next hungry player finding empty gardens instead of food.

 Salsa has been tempbanned for 3 days. We hope when they return they will remember to follow all the rules, including replanting at the public farm.


Offline salsaburrito

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Re: Salsaburrito banned
« Reply #2 on June 14, 2017, 01:19:31 PM »
Thank you very much for the reply I do remember the tour because I sat with her while stitch took us through it. I will make sure she understands what she did wrong and that she follows all of the rules. Thanks again