*HELP WANTED* I need someone experienced, hardworking, and patient to build me an organic build on Camp Every Thing property!!

The structure will be a tall, realistic/organic/good-looking tree next to a mountainside.
-Must be willing to keep working on the tree and not quit part-way through
-I’ll need to see some of your prior work
-You will be payed 8000 to 10000 famcoins depending on how well you did
-All materials will be provided to you for free (You just have to tell me what you need)
-You will in someway be acknowledged by the camp (like on a sign on the tree or a head wall or something)
-You will get to see the work site before applying
*THANKS* I really hope this offer is appealing and that someone is willing to take some time out of their schedule to help me out

. I think this’ll be a good opportunity to show your building skills to the server and have a lot of fun as well

Thank you!