
Author Topic: I would like to please plea for forgiveness  (Read 5312 times)

Offline Sawyer Fox

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I would like to please plea for forgiveness
« Opened on April 22, 2018, 01:50:02 PM (Edited May 02, 2018, 08:22:07 PM) »

This is Sawyer's (user name SawyerArcherFox) Father. We're still pretty new to Famcraft, but when we started we read through all the rules together and I tried to keep an eye on him for a while to make sure he was being responsible. I know he does have an understanding of the rules, but he is a little impulsive. I have little doubt that he was banned with good reason. I also realize now that it was the mods who disabled chat. I made the mistake of re-enabling it before I knew this. I wanted him to be able to communicate with some other players so he could hopefully make some connections and friends in the game. I know he has spammed the chat with gibberish in the past, and it looks like he ignored warnings too. I have talked to him about using the chat appropriately, or simply leaving it turned off and he gets it now. He is 7 and doesn't use any profanity, but he loves using his innocent 'potty talk' around the house. We have discussed how doing that can get him banned and he says he hasn't done that here. I would like to be sure he's being honest with me so I can have a talk with him more about why he was banned and what needs to change before he can be allowed back.

Thank you for making this platform available. I really appreciate that there is a place where he needs to be responsible while playing or risk being banned. When he plays in single player mode, he can be very creative, but also very wild and undisciplined. This wildness really bothers his mother and me. That's why we love that he needs to follow rules here.

I hope to hear from you soon. Once I've had a chance to talk with him about what rules he's broken, I'll write, or have him write (with a little help) his appeal.

Thank you,
Kevin Fox

Edit: Sawyer promised me he hasn't done anything besides spamming the chat and has promised not to do it again. I think if you un-ban us I'll leave the chat disabled for now just to be safe. He is anxious to get back to his favorite world, so he has made his plea below:


Im sorry I was typing silly stuff into the chat. I knew I wasn't supposed to. I promise I won't do it again and I will only use the chat to talk to other players and ask questions. Please let me back on. I really miss famcraft.

Sawyer Fox

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: I would like to please plea for forgiveness
« Reply #1 on May 09, 2018, 12:57:48 AM (Edited May 09, 2018, 01:04:24 AM) »
Hi Dad,

 On the morning Sawyer was banned the server was experiencing a great deal of technical difficulty.  The admin team was hard at work trying to get the server back up and running as quickly as possible. Sawyer, seeing that we were too busy to be in game to "properly" staff, chose to break the rules and continued after being warned. This would be bad enough under normal circumstances but when he sees the staff team is already dealing with a server related crisis, it's truly unacceptable. We've been in no rush to see him back in game. Before we consider a pardon for this ban, we would like to see that he fully understands why this type of behavior is not okay.

<FamcraftIRC> [m] SawyerArcherFox: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
<FamcraftIRC>  SrMod: ~Phoenix: SawyerArcherFox, that's spam, pleas refrain
 <RubensCherub> Sawyer
<RubensCherub> Rules still apply
<RubensCherub> Do not spam and caps like that
<FamcraftIRC>  SawyerArcherFox: LOL
<FamcraftIRC>  SawyerArcherFox: ON THE TOP OF THE AREA
<FamcraftIRC>  SawyerArcherFox: HA HA HA HA HA HA

Offline Sawyer Fox

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Re: I would like to please plea for forgiveness
« Reply #2 on May 09, 2018, 09:04:35 AM (Edited May 09, 2018, 09:08:23 PM) »
Thank you for responding,

Sawyer was thrilled to hear you responded to his plea to be allowed back on...until I read it to him. He was devastated. After reading your response, I really feel I should try to help clarify the situation a little bit.

Clearly what he did was wrong and clearly he did ignore the warnings, but he absolutely didn't have malicious intent. I know when you read what he wrote it looks like he was intentionally goading the mods, but you need to remember he is only in the first grade. He was acting out because he was stuck in the fallback server and couldn't actually play. He had no idea what the fallback server even was until I explained it to him. He definitely didn't understand that the mods were busy working on the server. The idea that he was trying to take advantage of the situation because he saw that you were too busy to properly staff the game just simply isn't the case. The reality is that he started causing mischief because he was stuck in the fallback server. He had absolutely no idea that the staff team were dealing with a server related crisis. He didn't even know what the fallback server was. 

Please understand that I'm not trying to excuse his actions. We read the rules and he should have known better. He does accept full responsibility for spamming and for ignoring the warnings. He is guilty of that and he is sincerely sorry. His actions were not meant to be malicious. It was just innocent nonsense. He made some bad choices and he has learned from his mistake. If you would please allow him another chance I'll make sure he understands and follows all the rules this time. He has been really heartbroken about his ban and after hearing today's decision he is really crushed. I hope you understand and can take this all into consideration. 

Thank you,

Kevin Fox   

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: I would like to please plea for forgiveness
« Reply #3 on May 10, 2018, 01:08:51 AM »
Hi again Dad,

 There was active discussion about the admins working on the server. We keep the players updated as we work.
 There are signs on the wall that explain what the fallback server is. Regardless of "intent" he ignored staff's corrections and continued to spam for whatever reason. I am sure you can understand why this is a problem.
 We will unban him at this time. We do hope he has learned from this and will make an effort to follow the rules at all times and pay attention to staff corrections.

Offline Sawyer Fox

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Re: I would like to please plea for forgiveness
« Reply #4 on May 10, 2018, 06:04:55 AM »
Thank you.