
Author Topic: banned  (Read 5946 times)

Offline Tharlane

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« Opened on December 16, 2012, 04:44:28 PM »
sorry if what i did was bad My only real gole fro grabbing that diamond off that gift was getting it to bert cuz i forgot to unlock it so just getting it for him that was my gift so i was taking down and about that skyrim voice yell that was cuz road was playing to song on Famcast also I did not see lovely msg how every i did read phos about unlocking it so i took it down and was going to give it to him later
 again very sorry forwhat i did  if there is any other think i can talk about or any thing more u would like to know plz msg me

Offline Tharlane

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Re: banned
« Reply #1 on December 16, 2012, 05:00:56 PM »
also sorry if it felt like i did shuting you guys out my friend is over and he was saying he really waned candy sorry i was not reading the chat but i put the diamond block in my ender chest i dont feel like taking it to give back later was bad if that were not my gift to said person then yes that would have been wrong - im very bad with reading chat when im playing video games so sorry to lovelylaces who was trying to talk with me about this thing 

Offline micahdg

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Re: banned
« Reply #2 on December 16, 2012, 05:57:22 PM »
Sam, I appreciate the help you gave me yesterday while trying to figure out a bug and by throwing yourself from a cliff repeatedly for scientific reasons, but you need to understand that what may be funny to you or a joke in your opinion may not be funny or a joke to others. When you mess with peoples' property or spawn monsters with eggs above projects they're working on or harass others while invisible, they're not going to take kindly to you. When you mentioned spawning eggs under LovelyLaces to me last night I assumed you were talking about animals, not ghasts and blazes. Spawning monsters on someone is in my opinion a circumvention of the /pvp command.

In the future, if you're doing something other than playing minecraft, log out of minecraft. Otherwise, staff assumes you are at your computer and seeing msgs and willfully ignoring them.

You can place a diamond block without having it act as a precious stone by simply crouching while placing it.

I'm going to change your tempban to 3 days. Please take this time to consider how your actions affect other people before committing the act. The next time you play "jokes" on other people or throw snowballs at them without their written consent in the server logs beforehand will probably result in a permaban.
BNVS.<tyty1147> acualy
BNVS.<tyty1147> ima do a test
tyty1147 lost connection: disconnect.quitting
tyty1147 lost connection
tyty1147 lost connection

Offline Tharlane

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Re: banned
« Reply #3 on December 16, 2012, 06:01:30 PM »
Alright - sorry again to any one i have bugged