
Author Topic: Famcraft and voice chat  (Read 5210 times)

Offline ExplosiveDad

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Famcraft and voice chat
« Opened on May 17, 2018, 07:08:22 PM »

My son and I are thinking about trying out your Minecraft servers soon, but I have some concerns about letting him use voice chat (especially when I am not playing, which will likely be most of the time).  Is there often a moderator on the Mumble server?  And if we chose not to use voice chat, would we be missing out on a lot of the Famcraft experience?  Do people still use in-game text chat?


Offline Tas

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Re: Famcraft and voice chat
« Reply #1 on May 17, 2018, 08:10:42 PM »
I don't want to speak for the staff or admins here, but as I don't think anything has changed...

Mumble is a very minor part of Famcraft. Not to say it isn't important or anything, but it's absolutely optional and not even necessarily recommended. I'm pretty sure there's usually someone moderating it, but you wouldn't normally find too many people on it at once.

In-game voice chat makes up about 98% of chat, I'd say. Every now and then, a player or staff member won't be able to get onto Minecraft but can still talk through the chat using IRC, and Mumble isn't even connected to the in-game chat at all.

Your son shouldn't feel pressured to use it -- often the only time players would use it (or the only common reason I can think of) is if they feel really comfortable with another player and often play or build together on Famcraft, and prefer talking orally than chatting (naturally it's easier to communicate).

Hope that clears it up a bit, I'm sure the admins can help a bit better.

Offline ExplosiveDad

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Re: Famcraft and voice chat
« Reply #2 on May 18, 2018, 02:34:35 PM »
Thanks, I appreciate the response!  Sounds like it's not something we'll need to use.

Offline PegLegPegasus

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Re: Famcraft and voice chat
« Reply #3 on May 18, 2018, 08:15:28 PM »
It's mostly text chat. There's a few people who use Mumble or Hex, but the majority of communication is through the in-game chat or IRC from people who can't join, but still want to talk. All and all, voice chat is very optional, and you probably won't need it. You can always get it later as well.
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