Hey guys it's NickApokalypse. I know I have not been on much so I decided to do a little something here. The rules of the competito are as following:
1. Post a joke in this discussion.
(Please make sure this follows all famcraft rules.)
2. On August 15th, maybe later

, I will go through all of the jokes and pick my top four favorites.
3. If there are two of the same jokes, I will only count the one that is first posted.
4. Please include the answer of the joke in your post.
5. You are limited to one joke per player.
1st Place: 350,000 famcoins
2nd Place: 200,000 famcoins
3rd Place: 100,000 famcoins
4th Place: 65,000 famcoins
If I really enjoyed your joke, but it did not make the leader board you will receive the prize below:
30,000 famcoins
1 diamond block
1 beacon