
Author Topic: Sorry for Griefing and breaking snowflakes  (Read 4016 times)

Offline kanethepro

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Sorry for Griefing and breaking snowflakes
« Opened on January 20, 2019, 03:48:48 PM »
Dear Famcraft friends and fellow Minecraft players-
I, KaneThePro am very sorry for griefing and breaking other players snowflakes. I did not bother to read the signs and understand the rules of the snowflake event and didn't ask my parents for help with it. I feel bad for breaking things other people worked hard to create. I know I would be upset if someone broke things I built as well.
I am hopeful you will be so kind as to unban me at some point in the future when I have a bit more patience to read signs and follow posted rules more carefully.

Again, sorry to everyone who's stuff I damaged.
I apologize.
