
Author Topic: Please to be unbanned  (Read 4759 times)

Offline PokemonHunter123

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Please to be unbanned
« Opened on March 04, 2019, 12:59:30 PM »
I've just joined Famcraft because my friend Agentrockstar is a member. I got confused yesterday about what I should be doing and a bit frightened when the moderator started talking to me. I broke someelses golden blocks which was really bad. If I'm unbanned I'm going to spend a bit of time playing with Agentrockstar until I understand the rules and how to play properly. I'm really sorry I broke someone's stuff.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Please to be unbanned
« Reply #1 on March 07, 2019, 12:00:39 AM »
 This plea makes me very hesitant to allow you back on the server. If you are confused by the rules and frightened by the moderators, you may not yet be ready for public servers.
 It was very clear that the gold blocks you removed were placed by another player, and therefore it would be griefing and stealing to take them. Both griefing and stealing are against Famcraft's rules.
 Because AgentRockstar is a good player here, we are going to trust him to help you get to know the rules and be able to play here. If anything like this happens again, we will likely not be able to offer you another chance.
 This perm-ban has been reduced to a 3 day temp ban beginning now. You should be able to log in and play after 3 more days have passed.  Please read the rules and make sure you follow them.

Offline PokemonHunter123

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Re: Please to be unbanned
« Reply #2 on March 07, 2019, 12:39:00 AM »
Thank you very much. I have watched the tour video on Youtube, and I'll watch it again while I am still banned. My mum is only letting me play in the weekend with AgentRockstar, so I hope that will be ok. Again, I am really sorry and very grateful that you have let me have a second chance.