
Author Topic: plea to be unbaned  (Read 4336 times)

Offline rmminemonster

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plea to be unbaned
« Opened on June 21, 2019, 01:21:41 PM (Edited June 21, 2019, 01:27:04 PM) »
i am sorry about saying things on the server that would harm the server or its players in any way or anything like that. I understand that what i said was harmful the the people on the server at that moment and in the server as a whole, i am very sorry, please forgive me if you would have compassion on me i would never! say those things again. i do however want to bring up some things that caused me to say these things. one i very much miss being able to use elytra as much as on other servers the loss of that made me very mad at first and i got over that after awhile i do still want it back if possible! then i do understand the inportence of having the plugins that you do but some of them realy drive me up the wall such as the one that may or may not have been fixed where drowneds where not spawning. one other thing is that some players are able to have millions of famcoins while others just sit in the dust with nothing i think that needs to be redone just my thoughts but i do want you to know that i am very sorry for saying the things i did and will not complain anymore if chosen to be unbaned i do not think there was not a reason for me to be banned the ban type was perm.  please do though take what i said and think about it i am not trying to push the admins i am just stating my concerns thank you

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: plea to be unbaned
« Reply #1 on June 21, 2019, 03:37:27 PM »
 Famcraft is clearly no longer the server for you. The players who have many Famcoins have earned them through gameplay rather than using their time to complain in chat. We are very happy with our plugins, they work just as intended.
 We hope you find a server that better suits your needs. Farewell and happy server hunting.