
Author Topic: Shops Not Working?  (Read 7386 times)

Offline Shootkapow

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Shops Not Working?
« Opened on December 10, 2019, 06:36:40 PM »
I was just wondering why some shops don't work. They say that the shops aren't connected to a chest, but they clearly are. I just get confused when I find the exact thing I need, only to find that it's not available. I'm not pointing fingers or trying to be mean to anyone, I was just confused about why this happens and wanted to know.
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Offline ladywolf_

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Re: Shops Not Working?
« Reply #1 on December 12, 2019, 06:56:46 PM »
After the last update many of the item names changed. So if the shop owner/player has not been in the game or they have not had time to change the signs, then they are not working. When the owner of the shop changes the signs on all their chests then they will work again.
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Offline DDHarriman

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Re: Shops Not Working?
« Reply #2 on March 14, 2020, 10:20:20 AM »
After the last update many of the item names changed. So if the shop owner/player has not been in the game or they have not had time to change the signs, then they are not working. When the owner of the shop changes the signs on all their chests then they will work again.

I have a shop, and just learned this reading the forums today. How can I tell which items need to receive an updated sign?


Offline ladywolf_

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Re: Shops Not Working?
« Reply #3 on March 15, 2020, 11:49:52 AM »
Hold the item you are selling in your hand and type /id.
That will show you in chat the item name and then use that item name on the sign.
Not all items changed names so some may still work okay.
You will just have to check each item to see which ones need changed.
“when a child gives you a gift, even if it is a rock they just picked up, exude gratitude. it may be the only thing they have to give, and they have chosen to give it to you”
~ Dean Jackson