
Author Topic: Filter Bypass Ban  (Read 4117 times)

Offline brajande

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Filter Bypass Ban
« Opened on December 31, 2019, 03:24:45 PM »
Hey admins -
  This is not a plea. My daughter was just banned. VivianA2010. Reason appears to be attempting to bypass chat filter. I caught her spamming one letter at a time, and was correcting that behavior when the ban went through. I'd like to know if she was writing something inappropriate, or if it was due to the letter spamming? I want to discuss her mistake with her, and if she wants to do an unban plea request, will allow her to try to write a proper plea / appeal.  I did not see what she was writing, as I was helping her younger brother on the server when I noticed her single letter spam.  Again, I will not plea for her to be unbanned, she should know better, I just want to make sure I can discuss what she did wrong, so she can learn from her mistakes. Thanks for your time, and I appreciate you keeping everything safe for all kids here.

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Filter Bypass Ban
« Reply #1 on December 31, 2019, 03:45:58 PM »
 Thank you for taking the time to post this.

 Unfortunately, Vivian has not been on her best behavior today. She has been pushy and a bit rude to other players. She has been spammy in chat, and she has attempted to evade the filter.

 The word she was trying to type out was not a swear word, but was a word she has said several times today that the filter has blocked. Each time the word is blocked she gets a notification. It was disappointing to see her try to type the word anyhow, knowing we did not want it in chat.

 Had the filter evading been the only issue we likely would have corrected her and allowed her to keep playing, however, this combined with her other behavior today led us to believe it's time for her to take a break from Famcraft.

 Here are a couple of examples from today:

10:49:50] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: baby shark dododo
[10:49:53] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: baby shark dododo
[10:50:11] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: baby squid dododo
[10:50:33] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: Mommy shark dododo
[10:50:36] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: Mommy shark dododo
[10:50:49] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: mommy squid dododo
[10:51:05] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: Daddy shark dododo
[10:51:09] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: Daddy shark dododo
[10:51:21] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: daddy squid dododo
[10:51:42] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: Gramma shark dododo
[10:51:47] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: Gramma shark dododo
[10:51:59] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: gramma squid dododo
[10:52:27] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: Grampa shark dododo
[10:52:32] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: Grampa shark dododo

Not so nice:

[10:54:59] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: go to SLEEP!
[10:57:12] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: go to SLEEP!
[10:57:26] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: hehe
[10:57:47] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: go to SLEEP!
[10:58:03] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: YES!!!
[10:58:21] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: SLEEP!!!
[10:58:46] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: NOW
[10:59:31] [Thread-35/INFO]: [m] VivianA2010: there is NOTHING in ur brain!!!

 If Vivian returns, it will be very important that she understands to be kind to other players and not be bossy or demanding. It's also important that she understands that words blocked by the filter are not to be said in chat in any way. She also needs to know that spamming chat is not allowed. It would be good for her to review the rules and make sure she understands them before she posts a plea.
 Thank you again for taking the time to post.                                  - RubensCherub

Offline brajande

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Re: Filter Bypass Ban
« Reply #2 on December 31, 2019, 04:00:26 PM »
RubensCherub -
   Thanks for replying so quickly. I apparently missed quite a bit.  Sounds like she definitely needs some time away from minecraft. I will apologize on my behalf for not paying close enough attention with her chats. I am very glad that you can share this with me, so I can remind her of proper behaviors, especially online. Can I ask if it is currently an indefinite ban, or is there a time frame? I anticipate her writing a plea either way, to help the lesson sink in.  Thanks again for keeping things friendly and safe for all players.