
Author Topic: I accidentally broke some glass...  (Read 5067 times)

Offline TheMiningGecko

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I accidentally broke some glass...
« Opened on January 05, 2020, 06:00:02 PM »
I was at mega spawner, harvesting sugar cane, when I accidentally broke some glass that was behind it, I tried to fix it, but I can't place in that ps field. Also, one last note, but there are 2 missing pieces, I only did one of them, I don't know who did the other. I'm sorry, I would fix it if I could but the ps field doesn't allow it...
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Offline ladywolf_

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Re: I accidentally broke some glass...
« Reply #1 on January 05, 2020, 08:33:24 PM »
I replaced the glass I found missing there. It happens! Just let someone know like you did and it can be fixed! :)
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