
Author Topic: Plead of Banishment - Quentingod  (Read 6314 times)

Offline quentingod

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Plead of Banishment - Quentingod
« Opened on December 28, 2012, 06:07:18 AM »
I am sorry that I accidentally *fly* in the server. I was testing out a mod and left a mod that allows flight on and that's why I was banned. I by all means to not ever fly again in the server and will start uninstalling all flight mods this day forward. I shouldn't be ban as this was an accidental event. I do not know if the ban was permanent or not as it does not include details. I hope you would accept this plea and allow me to participate in the server again :(
I am back!

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Plead of Banishment - Quentingod
« Reply #1 on December 28, 2012, 06:51:04 AM »
  You were perm banned. You were flying quite a bit, for it to be an accident. One of the first things you are asked to do when you join the server is to read the rules. One of the main rules of the server is no mods.

 Bk and/or Micah will have the final say. Maybe they will see your plea and post a reply soon. Good luck.

Offline bknysnake

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Re: Plead of Banishment - Quentingod
« Reply #2 on December 28, 2012, 09:49:44 AM »
Sooo let me get this straight, you was testing a mod which allowed fly, you had forgotten to remove it before joining the server or after reading the rules. Then you went to an area to start your adventure and accidentally activated your fly, then you accidently flew up, then back down, then back up, then used speed mod to fly fast around which made it almost impossible to keep up with you, and all this was an accident caused by your mod?

When we ban a person for using a mod, we are certain they USED the mod PURPOSELY because we don't go about this as, tping to you, we see you fly, ban. No we actually take our time to study you, and prepare ourselfs with proof and such.

When someone uses fly by accident, they turn it off instantly and go about their business, not decide to bring up their speed, and actually fly around.

Want another go at the plea?

Offline quentingod

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Re: Plead of Banishment - Quentingod
« Reply #3 on December 29, 2012, 08:03:05 AM »
Ok, so I might have used the wrong words for the situation. SO I will tell you the full tale:
I installed the SMM (Smart Moving mod) to mess around. I 'flew' around the island (or at least, I think so) which was my clan for a few times to get a view of things. I forgot to follow the rules as there was so much. But don't blame the rules, I simply was not being careful and I shall only use mods such as Optifine and mods that adds sounds to the game. Then I warp to bc (I think?) and use it to run around the bridge. Then I went back to my clan and tried my mod again. I got banned when I died because I fell onto a fence. Thanks to rubencherub, I found out it was a permanent ban. I will fix it by using a special Minecraft jar which I will switch into whenever I joins a server. I am sorry  :( :'(
I am back!

Offline bknysnake

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Re: Plead of Banishment - Quentingod
« Reply #4 on December 29, 2012, 10:02:25 AM »
Ok you have been given another chance, just keep in mind next time it'll be a ban with no plea so please if you have to re read the rules to be sure on everything, I recommend reading the rules on forums as they are updated more then in game. I hope you enjoy your time on the server, and become one of the regulars which do follow rules :) see you in game.