
Author Topic: The TESLA Clan!  (Read 2967 times)

Offline quentingod

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The TESLA Clan!
« Opened on January 03, 2013, 05:30:03 AM »
I shall be starting a new clan called TESLA soon!
If you want to join you MUST have knowledge about AT LEAST one of the following subjects:
-Making coloured wool
-Following rules
-A fair amount of OCD
-Eagle's Eye
-Recruiting trustworthy crew members
-Being awesome
-Building Underground/Underwater
And you shall be handsomely paid. We will build a giant 'Tesla Tower' (built by me) and there will be an elevator down the center of the tower which will leads you underground where you can build anything you want as long as it still follow rules. I will not take responsibility for any deaths as this clan will be built in the sea. If you are interested, reply to this topic showing that you're interested! Thank you!
We welcome EVERYONE of every race, every age but no griefers or trolls or hostile members. Although we do accept comedians ;P
I am back!

Offline wilsondhp

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Re: The TESLA Clan!
« Reply #1 on January 03, 2013, 05:42:07 AM »
Sounds like a good clan, once you make it we can become allies
"One way to forget about pain is to do something you will be in completely. So, computer games."
                                                          -Danil 'Dendi' Ishutin