Famcraft is changing the way we handle staff selection.
From now on,
no applications for staff will be accepted. Instead, staff will be automatically selected from among all
eligible players.
There is no need to send a pm, or ask about becoming staff in game.
Asking repeatedly about becoming staff in game will make you ineligible for staff. We will not consider players who do not follow this rule.
"11 - Do not ask to become staff. This will cause you to lose your chance at becoming staff."You can view all of the rules here:
https://famcraft.com/index.php/topic,2.0.html *** If you are chosen for staff, we will invite you to become a helper via private message on the forum at famcraft.com, or we will contact you in game. ***To be considered for staff a player must meet the following criteria:*must be polite and willing to help others *must spend adequate time on the server to be able to help- We realize everyone has a real life too. We don't expect anyone to spend more time on the server than is reasonable for them. But as staff, we would hope to see you on the server at least a little while every day.
*must have been a member on the server for at least 2 weeks- You need to know the server and community for a couple of weeks before you will be considered for a helper position.
*must be in good standing with Famcraft - this means you will not be considered for staff if we are having to constantly correct you for spam/caps or other issues clearly covered in the rules
* You MUST have an account on famcraft.com to be considered for staff. It is impossible to be staff without access to the forum. It is free to create an account.
https://famcraft.com/index.php New staff members will be selected only when Famcraft needs additional helpers. We are not always in need of more staff.
Donating to the server, while appreciated, does not have any effect on your chances of being asked to be a Helper. Still interested? Read on.

Before accepting an invitation to become staff, please consider the following information.
Being staff is great! You get to be a part of the team that keeps Famcraft running smoothly. However- it is not
all fun and games. Being staff can be very hard work at times.
Helpers are expected to give tours whenever they are online. This means even if they are playing, building, or talking with friends, Helpers are expected to drop what they are doing and warp to /spawn to greet and tour the new player.
You will only be asked to be a Helper-
we will never invite a player to join staff at any other rank (This excludes returning retired staff).
Every single member of staff starts out as a helper. From there, you may be able to move up in staff rank over time. Some helpers may
never move up. They might always be Helpers. This does not mean these helpers are not wonderful, important staff members, it may just mean we need helpers more than we need to add additional higher ranking staff.
Other staff members will be happy to assist you if you end up with multiple new players joining at one time. But the primary job of the Helpers is to tour new members- so we will expect you to tour first and foremost.
Helpers have three main tools available to them.
*core inspect- to help you determine if a grief has taken place*mute- in case someone is spamming or cursing on the server*kick- if someone curses or spams, you can kick them as a warning. A helper is expected to do all the proper paperwork in the staff section of the forum. This means if you mute or kick someone, you will need to make a post about it, explain why, and include a screenshot or irc copy/paste of the conversation.
As you can see, being a Helper is a lot of work! Please consider all of this when you are deciding if you would like to accept an invitation to join the staff team.
If you do choose to join us, but then you find you do not enjoy being a Helper, you are always free to retire. We will never hold it against you, and we will always be happy you gave it a shot.
Thank you to all Famcraft players and staff. You all make Famcraft great!