
Author Topic: Natteboy's ban plea  (Read 5544 times)

Offline Natteboy

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Natteboy's ban plea
« Opened on January 25, 2013, 01:31:14 PM »
Im Natteboy and I was banned for flying. This was a few weeks ago. Before, I had flymod installed so that could be a reason. I dont really remember that I flied but you might be right. When I got banned I didnt know why, there  was no reason such as "Banned for flying" it just said "Ban hammer has spoken". I know it was wrong to fly and Im really sorry I did. I do no longer have flymod or any hack installed. I think I should be unbanned because I do no longer have any hacks/mods installed and my friend is playing on that server and I wanna join him. I think that next time you ban soemone tell them why theyare being banned and give them a chance to defend themselves. I really hope I get unbanned now so I can enjoy the server  :)

Offline RubensCherub

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Re: Natteboy's ban plea
« Reply #1 on January 25, 2013, 03:56:04 PM »
  Natteboy, thank you for taking the time to plea.

When you were banned originally, you were flying as Wiggen99. As soon as you were banned, you logged back in as Natteboy, asking that Wiggen99 be unbanned. When asked, you denied being Wiggen99, and claimed to be Wiggen99's friend.

 That said, if you have uninstalled the fly mod, and intend to read the rules and follow them, then we would be happy to have you back at Famcraft so you can play with your friend. If you are caught flying again, or breaking any other rule, you will be permanently banned.

 Currently I am only unbanning your Natteboy account since it is the one you have used to post this plea.

 Welcome back to Famcraft.