
Author Topic: SkyArmy!!! (Sky)  (Read 2854 times)

Offline Wild_Chris

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SkyArmy!!! (Sky)
« Opened on February 11, 2013, 08:56:13 PM »
SkyArmy is a new clan only 2-3 days old as of right now. We are open to new members, even if you don't like butter (gold) you can still join. We don't have anything against people who don't call gold butter or even like butter, we won't judge just come on in and have some fun.

Our clan was made in honor of SkyDoesMinecraft, or as SkythekidRS as some of you may know him by, so yes we do call gold butter but don't worry you'll still be invited into the clan with open arms. :) If you don't call gold butter please respect the people who do an don't judge them. We are a peaceful clan who just want to have fun.

The clan doesn't have crazy rules all related to SkyDoesMinecraft. No, our rules are fairly simple and just to make sure you don't do anything too crazy. There are only 3 rules. 1. Don't grief clan home we tried very hard to make it look nice for you guys. 2. Ask one of the clan leaders if it's ok to build your room/house. 3. Follow the server rules.

That's about it guyz. The clan leaders are Wild_Chris, willcole2002, and kc8mat.
 And Remeber to eat some butter and kill some squids
I'm Mr.ButterPanda!