
Author Topic: Team Asterisk, now recruiting!  (Read 2957 times)

Offline o0Flint0o

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Team Asterisk, now recruiting!
« Opened on February 18, 2013, 04:27:35 PM »
Formally a friend's only clan, we decided to go upwards and try to get clan members. Note that all of this was built by only two people. (o0Flint0o (Me.) and Some1else0 (His name is Jason.)) (Man, I wish there were a way to resize these pictures.  :-X)

Our clan's town is, for the most part, self sustaining, however on a smaller scale as compared to a clan like Cielo.

Here is a picture of our clan's main base camp:

This contains our storage underground, which might be enlarged later. It also contains a little clan board for notifications.

We have nearly every type of farm, each self harvesting. (Except the animal farms.) Although most of those farms are small, our fields are the biggest of our farms. Our sugar cane farm and melon/pumpkin farm may be moved and improved, so that they'll live up to be like our fields.

A quick thing to note is that we have kiosks for villager trades, filled with every type of villager, where each either have all of their trades, or most of their trades.

We also have a PokeMart. In reality, it's just something to gaze upon. You can actually shop there, though, and since it's more of a private store, things are cheap.

We even have a Spleef arena. It's pretty good in my opinion, and we've had an amount of people play in it before. (That is a fishing/boating dock to the left.)

Additional things:
  • We have a few XP farms. Our main one is a zombie and cave spider farm, both in the same room.
  • There is a clan trial cave. Depending on how you complete it (Not if you survive or not) might determine a few things.
  • We found a Mushroom Biome, all by ourselves. We are determining whether or not if we should allow access to this.
  • We are growing, so mind the mess!

Notes about us:
  • The trusted status is given almost immediately, usually after completing the trials.
  • We usually prefer you ask before building anything near the clan base.
  • Our policies are a little more on a common side. Just don't do anything horribly wrong, and you'll be all right. (Get it?)
      Examples of "wrong" actions (Some actually happened):
      • Strip mining near the base (There are underground structures built, you know.)
      • Building multiple random, unneeded structures without permission
      • Doing things against FamCraft rules (We wouldn't tolerate that stuff even if those rules weren't there.)