Pleas and Troubleshooting > Plea to be unbanned

My bro was banned


He quit the game, he came back and he was tempbanned for three days.

He made a 1x1 tower (possibly 2, I didn't bother to check the other one) to get to the sky city I was helping to build. And he just left it there. He griefed through the base of it to get inside. He then made another 1x1 tower to get to the main level of which he griefed through. Then dug a few random holes on the ground of the main level. And then griefed through the floor of one of the sub platforms which I assume he probably used to jump down to get back to the ground.

If you ask me, 3 days doesn't seem like enough. It was a fine display of inconsiderate griefing.

OK, he remembers it now. He is, 8 years old however. Thanks.

I understand that there is a wide age range on the server, but the rules apply to everyone, regardless. Please ensure that he understands them all

Silasm, you and your brother have been degrading a lot of peoples experience on this server, first your not suppose to plea his case, it should be him or his parents. I will set a new rule for the both of you now, if you are caught slipping once, you will be permban from the server, and the website, which means you can't plead a case anymore, and you won't be able to duplicate an account. I recommend you guys be on your top behavior, all I ever get is complaints about you two. SO BEHAVE.


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