Pleas and Troubleshooting > Report a grief
PoochJr (needs banned)
So I don't know how many people will read this before I am able to actually read an admin or a mod... But hopefully this will quicken that up. I came into today to see PoochJr cursing and with complaints of the players that he was griefing. All I could do was mute him and then kick him over and over. In portal, random 6, there is a curse word written in dirt. I put up a wall in front of it with cobblestone (I didn't want it visible to the public eye, sorry if that doesn't make sense?) It appears he isn't coming back online again ( I hope), however there may be other damages along with the curse word that need tended to. Not to mention, I'm sure he needs some disciplinary actions (banned?)
Ok, thank you.
Thanks Lovely you did a great job.
You did your best Rose, I'm proud of you. Now you have tempbanning abilities, yaaay!
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