Pleas and Troubleshooting > Plea to be unbanned

unban me!


i made a stupid hitler sign and got banned. i did them as jokes in my friends server and he didnt care... i just didnt think it was that big of a deal... your server was the best i have been too so it would be nice to come back. i am sorry.


Our server is the best because we keep people like you out.

Nope no unban in my case, up to micah if he want's to unban you. Honestly I don't take kind into things like that, it's only a symbol of you looking for problems, this isn't your friends server, and the rules are very specific about this. I hope it was worth the ban. Hope you can really touch micah's heart. As micah said, we are the best cause we keep people like you out. My opinion he isn't unbanning you.


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