Clan Chat > Advertise Your Clan


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BNVS is a new Clan that was started a few weeks ago by Blundy.
This clan now has three main leaders, Blundy, Bad and myself.
We're currently located just off ATL and have a very large area of land which we are still yet to alter.

BNVS is growing fast, but in order to join you have to have a good build and obviously be easy to get along with. Many players have complimented on our clan theme, which is amazingly done by Blundy. So if you want to come check us out just use the clan Stargate.

When it comes to pvp, battles and such, we're currently neutral to all clans, so far.

Lastly a few of us members, not naming them. Have an awful lot of money which allow us to buy and give out items to our clan members. (Such as the blacksmith) We're also able to afford things which some clans are not, such as the clan Stargate and xp farms. So being in BNVS can give you a few advantages.

If you think your build is good enough and you're a nice and active player, come check us out :D

^ Link to the Minecraft Overview of our clan so far.

For the screenshot:

These men are from a land very far away, they came to the land of Famcraft to help the mighty BK in his mission to end Plenary's evil plans once and for all and to rid this land of the evil that lays waiting in the darkness. They built a land from scratch with there bare hands and they called it, BNVS. Only the elite will be able to join their ranks and fight for Famcrafts safety. If you think you have what it takes, ask one of these men and apply today.


Seth do you remeber my house i have shown you? Does that caunt as a good build?

Sorry I don't remember it man, show me next time  :)


here's the link =)


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