Pleas and Troubleshooting > Report a grief
I came online today and saw someone at my neighbors house on my island. I decided to go say hi and realized it was somneone else cutting down his sugar cane. His response was theres no rule on farming someones else's stuff.
His name is MrNiteMare.
Its at the random 6 spawn, after you follow the bridge and go past mine and OliviaJoyLockes house if you go straight.
I don't know the owner of the houses name exactly, its like itanic or something.
There is a rule for that. Farming without permission is greifing. Farming is breaking one's block (wheat,sugarcane,pumpkins,and melon are blocks). It is just like usings one's xp farm without permission. A person works hard to make a farm and it isn't right for them to come back and see that none of their crops grew. It is not right and disrespectful to do it without permission.
It was taken care of by xPh03n1xX86 no worries.
Another reason why staff is awesome. Thank you XPHO.
Wish I could like your post, Joe!
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