
Author Topic: Pricing And Rules For World Edit Services And More  (Read 6802 times)

Offline RubensCherub

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Pricing And Rules For World Edit Services And More
« Opened on June 20, 2013, 07:10:33 AM (Edited July 12, 2020, 11:34:28 AM) »
 It has come to the attention of the Admin that we need some good firm World Edit rules and pricing in place.
 The rules and pricing have shifted gradually over time, and we need to get them back closer to the way they were originally intended to be.
 We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause any of you. Thank you for understanding.

New World Edit Prices and Rules- Effective immediately - Posted 6-20-2013

Rules for Everyone - Donors included

1.) Cut and paste ONLY. We will not be able to copy and paste, even if supplies and materials are provided.

2. ) "Land Clearing" is only to y:64  (y 33 in the nether- laval level) - which is sea level. Anything below y:64 falls under the different rule/pricing structure for naturally occurring land formations.

3.) We do not offer custom shapes for land clearing or cut and paste. We are only able to do square or rectangular shapes.

4.) Cut / Paste of any naturally occurring land formation, including villages, hills, temples and anything else that spawns naturally in the game are all subject to approval on a case by case basis. To relocate a naturally occurring structure will cost 10 Famcoins per block. ** We DO NOT relocate water temples, landforms, entire villages, end pillars or end cities/villages. We also will not move entire mountains/hills.

5.) We do not drain water or lava.

6.) We do not relocate chests unless they are contained in a storage structure, and you wish to have the entire structure relocated.

Pricing- Donors and CoinShop Memebers

*Cut/Paste of player-made structure - Free
*Clearing of land down to y:64 (sea level) - Free
*Clearing of land below y:64 -10 Famcoins per block
*Cut/Paste of naturally occurring structure - 10 Famcoins per block
*Dirt platforms - 5 coins per block (only dirt is available)
*Biome Changes - 80 Famcoins per column changed - see "/warp biomes" for available biomes and rules

Pricing- Non donors/ Non-CoinShop members

*Cut/Paste of player-made structure- 5 Famcoins per block
*Clearing of land down to y:64 (sea level) - 5 Famcoins per block
*Clearing of land below y:64 10 Famcoins per block
*Cut/Paste of naturally occurring structure - 10 Famcoins Per block
*Dirt platforms - 5 coins per block (only dirt is available)
We only do biome changes for donors/coinshop members

Other pricing changes:

*Move a PURCHASED (purchased from an admin) spawner - 100k

*Move a Star Gate- 100k per gate

*Buy/Change a nickname - 100k (nickname removal is free)

Prices for other basic things:

2 linked stargates on a network - Like a mall gate - 1 million (1000000 coins)

1 gate added to an existing network - 300k

1 gate added to clan, or non-clan cities, attractions, or free farms gate at spawn 300k

Bat spawners are 250k, All others 500k - No boss spawners

** All World Edit services, spawner placement, and stargate placement are up to admin discretion. (some examples: We may opt not to place a dirt platform if we feel it is too large, or too near another player's area. We may ask that an area be claimed/protected before performing large or drastic World Edit services. We may refuse to place a spawner if the area in question has not been properly prepared for said spawner. We may decline to place a stargate if the area is not protected or if the gate may allow public traffic to impede on another player/clan's property. We may refuse to relocate some naturally occurring structures such as water temples, end cities, and villages.)