
Author Topic: MrBrickS61's, DualSchix, and ChurrosStrikeBak's Plea to be Un-banned  (Read 5255 times)

Offline MrBrickS61

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MrBrickS61's, DualSchix, and ChurrosStrikeBak's Plea to be Un-banned
« Opened on July 31, 2013, 08:47:41 PM (Edited August 01, 2013, 04:17:50 AM) »
 Our IGN is MrBrickS61, DualSchix, and ChurrosStrikeBak

 We ask to be un-banned since we love playing here. But to keep it Straight Forward we just like to keep playing.

 We Admit that I myself and Him were doing a little Racist Comment to each other However it was a Joke.
We will Refrain to using that content. We were just having Fun since it was In Clan Chat even though we knew it was able to be seen by everyone On the Website.

I myself, Have No reason to say to be un-banned however I do have one for Churros... He was my friend he got in as much trouble as me when he was defending me from staff one moment till we had a talk with Ruben. He did not cause it I did since I over did it and didn't care less at the time about the Chat Rules. However we will Try to Refrain from using such content that is restricted by the rules. If only one shall be un-banned it should be Churros. He brought me to this server and I'm the one who took him out of it. He had nothing to do with it but Merely say it back which is deserving to be punished as well however. I caused all of the problems and he Defended me for one. I am Very Sorry on my part and so is Churros. now there is an additional problem Dual didn't do anything he was merely an innocent witness which is simply Unfair in Throatt's part since he banned Dual who was an innocent who didn't even say anything Racist,Etc. Only Churros and I.

Now here are the details. It was a kick Until Someone suggested it to be perm-ban and Yes I should be perm banned since I was already Temp Ban for Saying W**. However Churros was banned also which seems none the less unfair. Since he didn't get Temp Ban.While DualSchix didn't even do anything but was a standby witness.  :-[

Offline MrBrickS61

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My Bad Thoatt Dual wasn't banned as I just found out.

Offline bknysnake

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Re: MrBrickS61's, DualSchix, and ChurrosStrikeBak's Plea to be Un-banned
« Reply #2 on August 01, 2013, 04:30:04 AM (Edited August 01, 2013, 04:32:12 AM) »
I'd like to point out a few things to you personally, for future references incase you were to someday, somehow return to our server.

1- You shouldn't refer to thoatt specifically about your ban, all of us decide if you stay or go.

2- We log everything you type into the server and anything done while playing in the game, this is a family friendly server and we intend to keep it that way. Clan chat is publicly viewable by anyone on IRC, so getting upset that we can see your clan chat in a FAMILY FRIENDLY environment is just silly. What did you think, we are like other servers who really don't care what happens? We work really hard and non stop to ensure the kids are safe.

3- We offer our server free to the public, so there isn't any obligations on our end of having to put up with anyones headache. So don't go around to servers thinking the owners or staff have an obligation to put up with you as we don't, we just choose to.

4- You have cursed in the past on the server and was punished by it, first time you got away with it, second time you got kicked, third time you were tempbanned.

It is obvious you only choose to follow our rules when you decide to follow them, and I won't allow this on my servers, you must follow all of our rules at all times if you plan to stay on our server, which obviously you didn't. You will not be unbanned from our server, I apologize but we've given you more than enough chances, which once again we aren't obligated to. Enjoy server hunting and I hope you find a server which fits your needs.