
Author Topic: Boysandghouls' Carnival F.A.Q!  (Read 6683 times)

Offline Miss_Ghouls

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Boysandghouls' Carnival F.A.Q!
« Opened on August 10, 2013, 05:01:27 AM »

Hey Guys!

There's been a huge interest in the Carnival lately, and it seems as though i get a billion questions about it every day! So i figured I could take a moment to answer a few of them here <3


F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What IS the carnival?
A:  The carnival is a mashup of Amusement park rides, Carnival games, and Circus attractions that i've been building! It has roller coasters, shooting games, dunk tanks, fortune tents, competitive games -- all sorts of things!

Q: Is it open to players?
A: At the moment, no. There are no stargates or warps that will allow you to come to the park yet. If you would like a sneak-peek, you will have to message Boysandghouls when she's not busy and politely ask if you may TP and see it. If she's not doing anything important, then she'll be more than happy to give you a TP there! HOWEVER -- please do not beg or pester for a teleport! Also, Do NOT ask other staff to TP you to the Carnival if Boysandghouls is offline! It is not their Carnival, or their job to tp you there. This is B+G's project, not staff's. Please be patient and wait for B+G to log on :)

Q: Will there be a stargate or warp to get there when it's done?
A: There WILL be a stargate as soon as the park is finished! Currently, there is a boat at /spawn next to the circus (head out to spawn city, and follow the left shore, you'll find it!) that is an exact replica of the one at the carnival :) When everything is finished, the Admins will help me place a stargate between the two boats so that you can travel from one, to the other! But right now, nothing has been set up to prevent griefing, and from spoiling ALL the surprises ;)

Q: Where IS the Carnival?
A: The Carnival is on an artificial (man-made) island in the middle of the ocean, somewhere FAR north of Nurova!

Q: What rides/attractions/games are you going to make before it's finished?
A: I have a LOT of things planned for this carnival, including (but not limited to) two more roller coasters, a possible water-park expansion, a tunnel of love, food booths, a haunted house, a hedge maze, a "test your strength" game, whack-a-mole, a parkour course, a stage for magic and fireworks,  go-karts -- and a TON more! If you're ever at the carnival, you're welcome to take a look at the "to-do" board just behind the giant skull, near the information booth! It has a list of all the rides and attractions left to make!

Q: Can i build a ride/game for you?
A: At the moment, I'm not allowing anyone to build attractions at the park. I know this sounds mean, but please let me explain: This thing is my baby. I've worked on it for a very long time now, and it's all been done by hand, without the help of flying or creative mode! I've NEVER worked on anything this big or complex before, so i want to make sure everything is perfect! -- HOWEVER -- that does not mean you can't suggest things to me!

If you have a ride, a game, or an attraction you'd like to see at the park, feel free to build it in a singleplayer world and email it to me at Cakefortwo@hotmail.com (make sure to write "For the Carnival" and your username as the subject), and i'll check it out as soon as possible! If i have room for it (and it's not already on my to-do list/finished list) I'll try my best to squeeze it in!

Q: How do i get my head on the donator wall inside the tent?
A: The donator wall is for people who donate stuff to the carnival! You can donate money, items, or even your time! Literally anything helps <3 If you'd like to know what I need the most though, keep scrolling! There will be a list with things i currently need more than others!

Q: What is the "? ? ?" roller coaster going to be?
A: I honestly haven't decided yet! :o I know for sure that there will be at least 3 roller coasters total. One (Dragon's End) is already finished. The haunted house will be the starting point for the second (with a spooky surprise theme :P) -- but the third one, i'm not sure about! Feel free to suggest some themes for it, and i'll be sure to consider them! <3

Q: Lots of signs have prices on them. Do i actually have to pay to get in or ride things?
A: Of course not :) Signs labled with things like "Cotton candy: $2.50" are just for decoration. Signs that are set up like ACTUAL chest-shops will be very obvious, and will only be used to sell things like armor, or food -- not admission to rides! <3

Q: Why is the hot air balloon droopy/deflating?
A: It's not drooping, it has a drape (pretty blanket) over the top of it for decoration, lol.

Q:  Can i WORK for the Carnival!?
A: Once the carnival is COMPLETELY finished, I'll be holding a gigantic opening night! I'd love to have people volunteer (meaning to work without pay) to run certain booths, guide people to the boat, and generally just help out! However, it will be quite a while before the carnival is open (No estimated day just yet!). When the finishing day grows closer though, i'll be making another post asking for volunteers :D Until then, hold your horses! <3

Q: Do you need any money/materials/help building?
A: This is a question i get a LOT. I LOVE getting help from people, but i don't always have jobs for everyone to do just yet. Please keep in mind, that the attractions themselves (unless otherwise specified) will all be built by me. However, i ALWAYS need help expanding the island, gathering supplies, making tools, breeding animals -- alll sorts of little jobs! :)

Speaking of which, here's a list of items I need the most! You're welcome to donate anything you like to help, but these things in particular are what i'll likely reply with when you ask me how you can help! ;)

  • Oak Logs
  • Birch Logs
  • Sand
  • Glowstone/Glowstone Dust
  • Dirt/Grass
  • Cobblestone
  • Wooden planks of ANY kind
  • Gold (for golden apples and powered rails)
  • Apples
  • Wool (any color)

As to WHERE to donate these items, i've set up a donation station in my hometown of Nurova! To get there:
  • Type "/Warp sg" to go to the stargate room
  • Turn right, and go to the stargate at the end of the hall labled "non-clan".
  • Right-click the sign until you find the one labled "Nurova" and then go through!
  • Once there, go downstairs (behind the welcome sign) and look for the hopper labled "Carnival Donations."
  • Toss your donated items in (along with ONE of your heads to go on my wall!), and then send me a message (/mail send Boysandghouls) to let me know you donated! <3


I would like to mention that I am unbelievably grateful for all of the help i've been getting so far, and that the point of this post is NOT to beg or ask for items. I've simply gotten so many requests to help and donate, that i needed to make a more solid answer for people, rather than repeating myself over and over :) You've all been absolutely fantastic and i literally could not have gotten as far as i have without all of your help! You guys make me all teary eyed with all the support you've given me <333

If you have any more questions, please -- by all means! -- ask them! I'll be more than happy to answer each and every one of them! <3

Offline MrChris13

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Re: Boysandghouls' Carnival F.A.Q!
« Reply #1 on August 10, 2013, 09:26:46 AM »
I read the whole thing p.p

Offline Rundrop

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Re: Boysandghouls' Carnival F.A.Q!
« Reply #2 on August 10, 2013, 01:11:58 PM »
Q: What is the "? ? ?" roller coaster going to be?
A: The Bat-Coaster
JrAdmin: Thoatt "/kickall #FamcraftTakeover2014"
Rundrop lost connection

The man that goes by many names... Rundrop, Run, RuneDrip, Runderp, Runneth, Runny,  RunPiddle,  RunningDropper, GiantRundrop, Rundropzilla, GiantGumdro

Offline KittyMew113

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Re: Boysandghouls' Carnival F.A.Q!
« Reply #3 on August 12, 2013, 01:05:55 PM »
I read the whole thing p.p
So did I, Chris.
(Helper: ~BaldKat) Kthx, Camel
(Helper: ~BaldKat) Kthx
(Helper: ~Cody) everyone: /tpdeny
(Helper: ~BaldKat) ...
(Helper: ~WalrusLlover101) ...
(Helper: ~WalrusLlover101) ._.
(Helper: ~WalrusLlover101) Lol
(JrAdmin~Camel) xP
(Helper: ~CamelsRightRearHoof) ...
(Helper: ~CamelsRightRearHoof) Kthx Camel