
Author Topic: ThunderTacox Ban Appeal  (Read 5239 times)

Offline ThunderTacox

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ThunderTacox Ban Appeal
« Opened on September 19, 2013, 11:40:29 AM »
Hello, FamCraft!

I am ThunderTacox. I FINALLY figured out how to make a forums account, as I am very new to this sort of thing. I don't do the whole forums bloggy thing cause it always left me confused. I can only HOPE that I'm posting this in the proper area. Please excuse the absence left by me on the forums as I will slowly figure it out and I am itching to become a more active member of the FamCraft society.

I love FamCraft and so do all of my friends in GER. We all enjoy playing on FamCraft with each other! It's a fantastic server with wonderful staff and righteous rules that I would never argue with at this point. I have and always would enjoy playing on FamCraft and my friend Cassi and I, as well as a couple other friends were getting ready to pool together $40 every month for donating to FamCraft. We love and wish to support this server for time and time to come!

I'm gonna start the actual Ban Appeal with a bit of a story. Last night, it was getting late. My home in Hawai'i was just reaching dusk. As my friends in the continental US went off to bed, I decided to do what I love doing. I started reading a Medical Text book. I read texts in my spare time, I educate myself on anything and everything. Education is the key to success and self righteousness, in my opinion. Since I was on FamCraft and I had set up an Iron Golem grinder where they are all killed in lava and their iron and rose drops are stored in chests, I decided to go AFK for the legally allowed 10 minutes until I was kicked, whereupon I would instantly and simply rejoin and go right back to my textbooks. I would even chime in when I felt like it, interacting in the chat. Or sometimes even just typing "/AFK" every so often to set myself to "non-AFK" mode. Once upon a time, I saw my screen return to the 'disconnected' screen and went to rejoin, only to find that I had been banned for "Exploiting is NOT allowed here." and I decided to call it a night and return to figure out the whole FamCraft Forums thing in the morning and get this all sorted out. Here I am! I think I might have figured the Forums out!

In conclusion, I love famcraft and so do my friends. We play very frequently and have hopes to donate. This is NOT a bribe, mind you. I donate because I want to support a stupendous server that has brought my friends and I much joy. I believe that my ban was unjust and simply a misunderstanding. I would LOVE it if you would unban me so that I may play with my friends and the rest of the server, as those in GER are not my only friends there. I very definitely consider others to be my friends, such as BoysAndGhouls, Domsters, Epicniss, WantedDead, maybe Reese, a few others who I can not summon names for at the moment and I'd go as far as to say that I'm even friends with Thoatt, Camel and Anna. I definitely consider them friends! I have always been kind and generous to them as they have to me.

Please reconsider my ban and do me justice! I can't wait to see you all again on FamCraft! :D

With much love,

ThunderTacox! :D

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Re: ThunderTacox Ban Appeal
« Reply #1 on September 19, 2013, 01:44:12 PM »
Hey taco,

Just wanted to inform you of what the staff concern was on your ban.
It appeared to some that you could have been using a tool to reconnect you while afk'ing your grinder. Seeing as we have an AFK kick for a reason, it would be wise not to try to avoid it. Just a note to remember, and a suggestion to be careful is all.
If this is not the case, then this is just a misunderstanding, and I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your thoughtful plea.

With that being said, you have been pardoned, and we hope to see you in game soon. :D

Offline ThunderTacox

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Re: ThunderTacox Ban Appeal
« Reply #2 on September 19, 2013, 03:55:02 PM »
Thank you so much! I assure you that my AFK will not cause pile-up or lag. I shall be very careful so that it does not.