
Author Topic: Royals Clan - Plans and Concepts  (Read 3387 times)

Offline zOracle

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Royals Clan - Plans and Concepts
« Opened on December 11, 2013, 10:08:55 AM »
Howdy everyone just a quick post to tell you all a bit about our clan and how it works differently from others on the server.

Firstly the Royals clan base aims to be a fully functioning city in its own right, this will of course be a lot of work but i myself am highly dedicated to this project, the dream is to not only create the best clan on this fantastic server but to create a closely knit community where friends can live on the same street, visit each other as well as owning shops and offering other services within the community.

Shops Within the clan as previously mentioned there plans to be a fully operational shopping district that allows players to buy and sell goods to each other.

Jobs Each player can assign themselves a job that allows them to increase their standing within the clan (will be elaborated on further down) as well as allowing them to sell these goods to other players for example weapon smiths and farmers.

Revolutionary Bank System Ever needed money or resources? then take out a loan, we will establish a working lending system that will involve signing a book of conduct to the loan to make sure you will pay it back within a period of time (Interest will apply) also you can apply for a building grant with the clan for resources to help you build it, just right your ideas within a book throw it inside the hopper and it will be read and considered within 24 hours and a drop will await you if accepted.

Clan Spawners Within the clan we aim to have nearly every single type of mobs spawner available to our amazing members, we currently have a pig man spawner that has 2 cages within it at this present time.

Entertainment We aim to make the clan base where you clan have the full experience of famcraft without ever needing to leave the base, we will doe this by adding things to do within the clan, for example helping ME BUILD!, Our own PVP arena just to prove who is the greatest Warrior, as well as our own mob arena this allows us to have more of a community standing. we also plan to add community games such as a Parkour course, mazes as well as our own private sign hunts to allow you to win money as well as prizes such as spawn eggs, an ender dragon egg and much much more.

Ranking System within the Royals clan we have many different ranks that give all out members something to work towards as it will give them privileges within the base as well as prizes, for example access to restricted parts of the base e.g the Palace (images will be posted soon) and prizes such as mansions to live in super enchanted armor and gear, ranks can be attained via clan affiliated actions such as building
gathering resources, collecting the heads of clan enemies (only ones that are listed) and much more.

So Join us today and become Royal - A land where the possibilities are endless.

- zOracle
Clan Founder & Leader


[15:46] <FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Epic) so many mobs ;-;

Offline HaydenTheBuilder

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Re: Royals Clan - Plans and Concepts
« Reply #1 on December 11, 2013, 05:42:37 PM »
werent you and zRise co founders?
"Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life."

Offline zOracle

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Re: Royals Clan - Plans and Concepts
« Reply #2 on December 12, 2013, 07:39:29 AM (Edited December 12, 2013, 01:14:30 PM) »
werent you and zRise co founders?

Me and zRise are friends in real life, the plan was to start the clan together until he got himself ban so i started it myself to keep the dream alive :)

[15:46] <FamCraftIRC> (Helper: ~Epic) so many mobs ;-;

Offline MrChris13

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Re: Royals Clan - Plans and Concepts
« Reply #3 on December 12, 2013, 08:32:15 AM »
werent you and zRise co founders?

Me and zRise are friends in real life, the plan was to start the clan together until the idiot got himself ban so i started it myself to keep the dream alive :)

Please be nice, even if you know him in real life, it is not acceptable to call him a name here on the forums, or in game.