Story time!!
This is the story of how I found Famcraft.
One late night, around 10:36, Silverwolflady and I were server hunting because we were bored and hadn't been on any "good" servers lately.
We had gone through about 5 different servers already when we found a "decent" server (It wasn't a keeper).
While she was playing around on the "decent" server, I was looking for more servers. I found one that had the title of Farmcraft.
I decided to give it a shot since i like farming.
When I was typing in the IP address, I noticed that it said "Fam"craft and not "Farm"craft (vespa's idiocy strikes again!), but because I'm lazy and didn't feel like server hunting, I finished typing the IP and told Silver to type in the IP too.
When we joined, it felt like being greeted by a chorus of angels. We were both equally shocked at the welcoming committee and how shockingly kind people were.
After the welcomes died down, we were given a "Once in a lifetime " tour by Anna! But halfway through the tour it became 11:00 and i had to get off

. (Only recently did I get the other half of that tour, which by then i already new the stuff.)
The next day i got on a skype call with Stitch, Silver, s3, and MockingJay, they told me to go through a random portal and i did and they led me to their houses. After a while they all moved their houses to different locations(and still continue to move them.).
I'm the only one left at that place.
I will never forget that night, ever....