Pleas and Troubleshooting > Bugs and glitches

chest glitch

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When the server was updated to 1.3.1 i went to my shop and placed a chest then well i was placing items inside.It looked closed and when i walked away it opened .Weird!

I know what the problem is now, and it was kind of obvious (once I found out :P).

Whenever the game "freezes" which happens every few minutes (for me at least), if you happened to be taking items out of or putting items in a chest when "freeze" occurs, your client still believes you took/deposited the item, until the client updates your inventory and realises the item is or isn't actually there according to the server.

Yep, I get the little freezes all the time, too.

So I am having all the same glitches as everyone else here. It is really annoying, plus it hasn't occured until the 1.3.1 update.

Oh... 1.2.5... how I miss thee...


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